Thursday, March 28, 2013

In the oven tonight: Baked macaroni & cheese

My version of this delicious baked macaroni & cheese with broccoli. 
As many of you know, I'm a Weight Watchers member. One of the many benefits of a WW membership is a wealth of really good low-fat recipes. I have tried 30 or more, and only 1 has truly tasted like diet food so far, this is not one of them.

Don't be intimidated by this cooking, I'm not an expert chef, and in the kitchen I am above all LAZY! I don't like having extra dishes to wash, I don't like lots of steps, and I don't have a lot of time (after all Dominos will deliver in 30 minutes or less).

Before the recipe looks like the mouthwatering picture, I'll admit there are more steps than I am usually likely to tolerate, but this is worth the time and effort. Please check out the original recipe on Weight Watchers (you will need to be a WW subscriber). Look for lots more cooking suggestions here, links to recipes, and my own original recipes. I won't publish material that does not belong to me, but I will always post links to share with you!

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